Travel and accommodation

Closest airports:

Bristol Airport (0:50 by car, 1:20 by bus)

Cardiff Airport (1:40 by car, 2:00 by bus plus train)

Southampton Airport (1:45 by car, 2:00 by train)

London Heathrow Airport (2:00 by car, 2:15 by bus, 2:20 by train)

London Gatwick Airport (2:30 by car, 2:30 by train)


Recommended hotels:

Bath is a touristic city, we suggest that you book your accomodation a few months in advance. 

University of Bath Guest Accommodation (limited capacity)

Travelodge Bath City Centre

Travelodge Bath Central

Travelodge Bath Waterside

Premier Inn 

Francis Hotel

Abbey Hotel


Travel within Bath

Any accommodation other than the University of Bath Guest Accommodation will require commuting from the city centre, which may be a 30-45 minute walk, £2.50 bus ride, or a £10-£15 taxi ride.

Bus routes between the city and the campus

VCars taxi service - 0 1225 464646

Bath Spa Taxis - 0 1225 313131

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